Saturday, 28 February 2009

Testing times for the euro

Year 13 economics students have just under a fornight to wait before they get the results of their January synoptic exam. They spent much time getting to grips with whether membership of the euro area was in the long term interests of an economy and the sustainability of the euro. Year 11 students have also explored the pros and cons of the euro in their recent poster work.

The Telegraph has a useful article covering the trials and tribulations of the Irish economy, not long ago hailed as the Celtic Tiger, or the 'miracle' economy of the euro area. According to the article "Ireland's 'miracle' economy has turned terrifyingly sour - and as it strains against the inflexibility of the euro, its next crisis may shake the entire EU. "

Recommended reading for all economics students and for Year 11 GCSE students. Click here to access the article.